
次世代天文学 -- 大型観測装置とサイエンス -- 2004



東京大学(化学本館 5階講堂)

folder name

ASCA Compilation of X-Ray Properties of Hot Gas in Elliptical Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters: Two Breaks in the Temperature Dependences

Fukazawa, Makishima, Ohashi


Utilizing ASCA archival data of about 300 objects of elliptical galaxies, groups, and clusters of galaxies, we performed systematic measurements of the X-ray properties of hot gas in their systems, and compiled them in this paper. The steepness of the luminosity-temperature (LT) relation, LiX ∝ (kT)α, in the range of kT ˜ 1.5 ‑ 15 keV is α = 3.17 &plusmn 0.15, consistent with previous measurements. In the relation, we find two breaks at around ICM temperatures of 1 keV and 4 keV: α = 2.34 ± 0.29 above 4 keV, 3.74 ± 0.32 in 1.5-5 keV, and 4.03 ± 1.07 below 1.5keV. Such two breaks are also evident in the temperature and size relation. The steepness in the LT relation at kT > 4 keV is consistent with the scale-relation derived from the CDM model, indicating that the gravitational effect is dominant in richer clusters, while poorer clusters suffer non-gravity effects. The steep LT relation below 1keV is almost attributed to X-ray faint systems of elliptical galaxies and galaxy groups. We found that the ICM mass within the scaling radius R1500 follows the relation of Mgas ∝ T2.33±0.07 from X-ray faint galaxies to rich clusters. Therefore, we speculate that even such X-ray faint systems contain a large-scale hot gas, which is too faint to detect.